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DIGIdock - OCR for logistics documents

DIGIdock is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) product for recognizing scanned copies and photos of documents, followed by downloading data to the accounting system or electronic archive of documents.
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Using the recognition system allows you to quickly and with a minimum number of errors get data from transport documents, transfer it to any database, work with this data in familiar digital formats. OCR service will automate the operation of a warehouse or cargo terminal, reduce the cost of processing documents, attract more customers and give them fast and high-quality service, without forcing them to change their business process
OCR for logistics documents
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Upload documents via website, email or scanner

OCR for logistics documents
OCR for logistics documents
Scan, photograph or upload documents in Excel format directly to the recognition service or send an email with documents to a linked e-mail box. DIGIdock's OCR service will extract data from standard documents accompanying the cargo using an ultra-precise recognition system, perform intelligent verification and mathematical analysis of the data, and then the self-learning neural network compares the data to reduce the number of errors.

Receive digitized data into the accounting system

OCR for logistics documents
You just have to check the data obtained through recognition and processed, confirm its correctness, after that you can send the data to your accounting system, CRM, ERP, WMS or ECM system.

Free up to 60% of your employees time

OCR for logistics documents
We have huge expertise in process automation and activity planning at bulk and general cargo terminals. We will be happy to answer your questions, leave your contact
Employees spend up to 80% of their time on routine input and manual processing of data from standard documents, using the DIGIDock service speeds up data entry into the accounting system 2.5 times. Moreover, when manually entering data even in standard documents is associated with a large number of errors due to the human factor, the DIGIDock service recognizes with high accuracy and checks the input data to eliminate the risks of incorrect input and low-quality information when loading into the accounting system.

DIGIdock Recognition Service Benefits

Marine Digital System's DIGIdock OCR service is a ready-made solution that contains universal functionality suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises: warehouses, terminals, transport and logistics companies. The solution for recognizing scanned and photo copies of documents and other data is delivered using the SaaS model (in the cloud, with availability and monthly payment). Other solutions based on the Marine Digital System platform can be connected to DIGIdock: warehouse management system, document management system and others. The Marine Digital System platform has the advantage of flexible configuration to meet individual customer requirements. The term for the implementation of individual IT solutions takes from 2 weeks to 1 month, includes design, development, creation of the necessary documentation, training and commissioning.

DIGIdock integrates with external equipment - photo and video cameras, scanners, email, electronic archive of documents, ERP, CRM, ECM and other accounting systems.

If you have any questions about the products or the Marine Digital System platform, please contact us, we will be happy to answer
Increased business process speed
Increased business process speed
Reducing to zero the number of errors
Reducing to zero the number of errors
Best offer to the clients
Best offer to the clients
Reduction in operating expenses
Reduction in operating expenses
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of maritime logistics
+49 17 664 133 119
Marine Digital GmbH
Maria-Goeppert-Str. 3, 23562 Lübeck