Strengthening The OCIMF Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE.02)

The OCIMF Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) has made a significant contribution to improving the overall safety record of the maritime industry
Launched in 1993, the OCIMF Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) has governed over 180,000 inspection reports. As a result, SIRE has made a significant contribution to improving the overall safety record of the maritime industry.

As the industry continues to evolve, its risk profile changes. More sophisticated risk measurement and management tools are now available. Against this background, it is now time to strengthen SIRE and ensure it remains truly effective in today's and future maritime environments.

Working with the industry, OCIMF is developing an enhanced and risk-based vessel inspection program that will supersede the existing SIRE program. SIRE 2.0 will provide more accurate information to enable OCIMF members and program recipients to make judgments on the quality and the likely future performance of a vessel.

In the future SIRE, 2.0 will encompass all of OCIMF's inspection programs. This includes OCIMF's Barge Inspection Report program (BIRE) and Offshore Vessel Inspection Database (OVID).

Four key areas of focus:

Four key areas of focus:
• A more comprehensive inspection regime with enhanced tools strengthened governance processes and more in-depth reporting outcomes, following a risk-based approach.

• Enhanced inspection criteria on equipment, procedures, and human factors, to further improve control over vessel safety systems and processes. Enhanced pre-inspection processes and more robust monitoring protocols during the inspection process will be included.

• The use of web-enabled tablet devices to allow inspections and feedback to be reported and documented in real-time and to allow inspections to be completed more efficiently, with the adoption of a comprehensive yet standardized reporting format.

• Updated policies, procedures, and user guidance housed in an online process documentation library.

• An enhanced governance process to provide greater transparency and control for all parties involved in the program, either directly or indirectly; and the adoption of rules that are enforceable and verifiable by OCIMF.

• Significant enhancements to training and continuing development of inspectors to ensure the highest standard of delivery is maintained and improved.

Specifically, the new program will be enhanced by:

OCIMF has been working on this project since 2017. Three working groups are responsible for governance, inspection, and technology report to a steering group that is tasked with delivering the new program. The new SIRE 2.0 regime is expected to become operational in 2022. Until then, the current SIRE program will continue to be updated and improved to incorporate the latest standards, best practices, and regulations.

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